Parking Thermae 2000

Parkeren Thermae 2000

Allow day guests to use Hotel parking, depending on the hotel occupancy… this is how we helped our customer create a new revenue stream based on this case.

Thermae 2000 Spa Resort is a heavy user of our unique solution. And now they have taken the extra step by letting us create a comprehensive solution for their Hotel Parking. We already have several customers using xPlan with an integrated Parking solution, enabling them to print tickets for guests to leave the parking or to pay their parking fee together with their spending at the Self Service Checkout Terminal.

At Thermae 2000 the Hotel Parking is limited in space, but on certain days has enough spaces for day visitors to park, depending on the occupancy of and arrivals/departures at the hotel. Until recently the hotel parking space was only used by hotel guests, leaving its potential unused. But day visitors should only be allowed to park on this Parking place when there is space available. And how to structure a good flow where hotel guests automatically receive their parking ticket upfront? And what to do with the disabled Physiotherapist guests who may also use this parking? And how to prevent day visitors of entry to the parking etc.?

The restructuring of the parking place was started, And we recently launched the new xPlan version including this advanced parking solution. A new revenue stream was created for Thermae 2000 with an ROI of less than half a year.

Thermae 2000 use xPlan for their entire operation. From booking (Hotel)stays, RFID cashless payment (activating the massage chairs in the Cinema, automatically charging the bill), Self Service Book using the xPlan terminals by scanning RFID wristband, Scheduling, F&B, Membership Management, Marketing, E-Ticketing and much more!